addI18nListener(I18nListener) - Static method in class sji18n.I18n
Registers a I18nListener.


equals(Object) - Method in class sji18n.I18nEvent


getContext() - Method in class sji18n.I18nEvent
Gives the name of the context for which the locale was changed.
getImage(String) - Method in class sji18n.I18n
Fetches an application object for the locale currently set for the default, nameless context and casts it to an Image.
getImage(String, String) - Method in class sji18n.I18n
Fetches an application object for the locale currently set for the specified context and casts it to an Image.
getL10nSource(String, Locale) - Method in interface sji18n.L10nResourceFactory
Called by I18n to find and retrieve a resource.
getLocale() - Static method in class sji18n.I18n
Returns the locale currently set for application objects in the default, nameless context.
getLocale(String) - Static method in class sji18n.I18n
Returns the locale currently set for application objects in the specified context.
getLocale() - Method in class sji18n.I18nEvent
Gives the new locale recently set.
getLogLocale() - Static method in class sji18n.I18n
Returns the locale currently set for logging messages.
getLogMessage(String, Object...) - Method in class sji18n.I18n
Fetches a logging message string for the locale currently set for the default logging context and formats a message using the specified object arguments.
getLogString(String) - Method in class sji18n.I18n
Fetches a logging message string for the locale currently set for the default logging context.
getMappedResourceName(String) - Static method in class sji18n.I18n
Returns the name the specified resource name is mapped to.
getMessage(String, Object...) - Method in class sji18n.I18n
Fetches an application string for the locale currently set for the default, nameless context and formats a message using the specified object arguments.
getMessage(String, String, Object...) - Method in class sji18n.I18n
Fetches an application string for the locale currently set for the specified context and formats a message using the specified object arguments.
getObject(String) - Method in class sji18n.I18n
Fetches an application object for the locale currently set for the default, nameless context.
getObject(String, String) - Method in class sji18n.I18n
Fetches an application object for the locale currently set for the specified context.
getObject(String) - Method in interface sji18n.L10nResource
Returns a localized object for the specified key.
getString(String) - Method in class sji18n.I18n
Fetches an application string for the locale currently set for the default, nameless context.
getString(String, String) - Method in class sji18n.I18n
Fetches an application string for the locale currently set for the specified context.
getString(String) - Method in interface sji18n.L10nResource
Returns a localized string for the specified key.


hashCode() - Method in class sji18n.I18nEvent


I18n - Class in sji18n
I18n instances provide easy access to locale-specific objects and the class's static methods allow an application to manage its locale configuration.
I18n(String) - Constructor for class sji18n.I18n
Creates a new instance obtaining its objects from a resource identified by the specified name.
I18nable - Interface in sji18n
Classes that support locale context management (see general description in I18n) must have some method to set an instance's context.
I18nEvent - Class in sji18n
Represents events fired when a locale was changed in a particular context.
I18nEvent(String, Locale) - Constructor for class sji18n.I18nEvent
Creates a new instance.
I18nListener - Interface in sji18n
Interface for listeners interested in locale changes.


L10nResource - Interface in sji18n
Represents a localization resource.
L10nResourceFactory - Interface in sji18n
I18n uses a L10nResourceFactory implementation to find and load actual resources.
localeChanged(I18nEvent) - Method in interface sji18n.I18nListener
LOGGING_CONTEXT - Static variable in class sji18n.I18n
Context name of the default logging context.


removeI18nListener(I18nListener) - Static method in class sji18n.I18n
Removed a I18nListener from the list of registered listeners.


setAllLocales(Locale) - Static method in class sji18n.I18n
Sets the locale in all contexts (including the default, nameless context and the logging context).
setI18nContext(String) - Method in interface sji18n.I18nable
setI18nLogContext(String) - Method in interface sji18n.I18nable
setLocale(Locale) - Static method in class sji18n.I18n
Sets the locale for application objects in the default, nameless context.
setLocale(String, Locale) - Static method in class sji18n.I18n
Sets the locale for application objects in the specified context.
setLogLocale(Locale) - Static method in class sji18n.I18n
Sets the locale for logging messages.
sji18n - package sji18n
Simple Java internationalization api - main entry point is class I18n.

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