Interface L10nResourceFactory

public interface L10nResourceFactory

I18n uses a L10nResourceFactory implementation to find and load actual resources. This allows to select and plug in a localization resource lookup and loading mechanism at deploy time.
The implementation used is set at the I18n class's initialization. System property sji18n.L10nResourceFactory, if set, must contain the fully qualified class name of the implementation to load. If system property sji18n.L10nResourceFactory is not set, I18n will look for a L10nResourceFactory service provider (see ServiceLoader for more info on setting up a service provider).

Method Summary
 L10nResource getL10nSource(String resourceName, Locale locale)
          Called by I18n to find and retrieve a resource.

Method Detail


L10nResource getL10nSource(String resourceName,
                           Locale locale)
Called by I18n to find and retrieve a resource.

resourceName - name identifying the required resource, should not be null.
locale - the locale for which to lookup the resource, never null.
a valid L10nResource instance representing the resource, never null.
MissingResourceException - when the specified resource could not be found or loaded for some reason.

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