Package sji18n

Simple Java internationalization api - main entry point is class I18n.


Interface Summary
I18nable Classes that support locale context management (see general description in I18n) must have some method to set an instance's context.
I18nListener Interface for listeners interested in locale changes.
L10nResource Represents a localization resource.
L10nResourceFactory I18n uses a L10nResourceFactory implementation to find and load actual resources.

Class Summary
I18n I18n instances provide easy access to locale-specific objects and the class's static methods allow an application to manage its locale configuration.
I18nEvent Represents events fired when a locale was changed in a particular context.

Package sji18n Description

Simple Java internationalization api - main entry point is class I18n.

Typical use is illustrated in the following example:
    package some.pckg;
    import sji18n.I18n;

    public class SomeClass {
        private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger("some.pckg.SomeClass");
        private static final I18n I18N = new I18n("SomeResource");

        public void someMethod() {
            try {
                showUserMessageWithIcon(new ImageIcon(I18N.getImage("someImage")),
                                        I18N.getMessage("someMessage", var1, var2));
                LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, I18N.getLogMessage("onSomeSuccess", var3));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, I18N.getLogString("onSomeError"), e);

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